For my Japan Study Program I decided to do the fall semester with the cultural practicum. I was very excited for this part of my program because it would give me an entirely different experience than what I had in Tokyo! With the end of the school semester, I was definitely ready for a change. The city lights and crowded trains were finally getting to me. Take me back to nature!
The cultural practicum that I chose was in the Shimane prefecture, in the town of Daito (大東). 6 other students from my Japan Study program and I boarded the sunrise train the evening of February 5th and rode for 12 hours, reaching our destination the afternoon of the 6th. That was my first time experience on an overnight train that had beds!
When I woke up all I could see was snow, trees and very few houses. Yep this is what I wanted!
To sum up this experience it was an amazing experience! Before I got to Shimane, I knew we were all staying with host families and that our job would be to teach kids at all the schools in Daito and the surrounding areas. I don't think I was that prepared for the country lifestyle, my funny and open host family and the adorable kids at school.
I will not say the experience was an easy one, but it was TOTALLY well worth my time and I can now look back and say, "Wow I learned so much and look how much my Japanese improved!".
Having no leaders from Tokyo with us, our American group had to depend on each other, especially the girls that could speak/understand the best Japanese. Our Japanese leaders in Shimane spoke only Japanese to us, our meetings with the school principals were conducted in polite Japanese, talking with teachers and students and host families were all in Japanese. Our host families barely knew English.
As you can see, being a low intermediate speaker, I was mentally exhausted every day! every conversation and encounter was somewhat difficult.
After the first week I became use to the "country dialect" and I understood new vocabulary and "the protocol" when we went to schools. I started to relax a bit and enjoy the experience!
Shimane is a very "old traditional" kind of place. The people who live there are mostly old, they use polite Japanese and they stick to traditions. From a cultural view, I learned so much and had wonderful conversations and discussions with my host family. Everyone was so nice and I will never forget the experience!
My suggestion: Do the cultural practicum. Do something out of the norm. Get to know the people who live there. Enjoy!
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